

A Birth Story: Baby Reid

It was around 4 years ago that I was over at my brother and sister-in-law’s house when she told me to look at this book of a couple. As I started reading more about the two of them, I began to learn about their lives, about their story, and about their passion for becoming parents. ‘What is this about?’ I thought to myself. Then, my sister in law told me, after taking a deep breath, that she was going to be a surrogate for this family. At first I didn’t know what to think about it… But after she answered some questions of mine, I thought about how beautiful this could be for the couple whose story I just read.

I am a huge fan of the TV show “Friends” and I couldn’t help but think back to when Phoebe was going to be a surrogate for her brother Frank and his wife since they were unable to have children. If you don’t know a whole lot about ‘friends’ this is going to confuse the heck out of you. While my sister in law, Courtney, was explaining the whole surrogacy process to me I flash-backed to one of Phoebe’s lines in the show – “I’m just the oven…it’s totally their bun.” If you need a memory refresher…watch it HERE. Anyway – that is juuuuust a little different than story I’m about to share with you.

I have so much respect for my sister in law Courtney, my brother Jeff, and my 2 nephews for supporting Courtney while she gives life to this couple who wants nothing more than to have a family. This was the second surrogacy the Courtney did for this family. You can see the first very special day HERE. The first baby was a boy named Myles. The second pregnancy was a boy as well so this is how Reid came into the world…

That’s Jen and Chris…waiting patiently.

Here is Jen and Courtney…I think Jen was feeling Reid kick or something…

After hours of waiting, it was finally time for Reid to join us. Here is my brother holding my sister in laws hand and Jen and Chris right behind them.

There he is! Life is really a beautiful thing.


This photo makes me smile.

Now onto get weighed, measured, and his first bath!

I photographed Jen, Chris, Myles, and Reid yesterday and they are doing so well! Jen and Chris absolutely love being parents and I could not be happier for them. They sure have their hands full with two boys! šŸ™‚

Happy Monday!

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