

A Side Project: Sights of Sacramento

Living in Sacramento has it’s perks. I’m really close to my family, I’ve got great friends and colleagues here, and a lot of things are close by. Granted, I would love to live by the beach, a warm beach, I still have plenty of life left to live…and maybe get my nice warm beach house.

A friend of mine works at a public relations company here in in Sacramento and they were looking to redecorate their front office with photos of Sacramento. They weren’t looking for your standard “postcard” looking photos…they wanted something more abstract. He asked if I was up to the task and without looking back I accepted. It was like a college assignment all over again!

Sometimes it can be refreshing to go out and shoot creatively. Especially when it is assigned to you! It really reminds you as a photographer why you really enjoy photography…Creating art. While I was out photographing I looked for basic tactics like leading lines and using the theory of thirds while having abstract in the back of my mind. Here are some of the shots that ended up being some of my favorites…

Here is the rabbit at the Sacramento Airport…

The State Capitol…(I had to get up early for this one)

The trees in Capitol Park are amazing. I actually made a 30×40 Canvas Wrap of this image and hung it up in my room…

The Tower Bridge…

Tower Theatre…

One more of the bridge…kinda neat how this old Chevy pickup drove over the bridge at the perfect moment.

Happy Friday!

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