

California State Fair Engagement Photography – Katie + Zack

For as long as I can remember, I loved going to the fair. Dixon, a small town I grew up in, had a carnival that would come every year and would be the highlight of the year…for me and for Dixon. Concerts, livestock, rides, junk food…it was the best. 

In Sacramento, we have the California State Fair which is probably tripple the size of Dixon’s fair. The first time I went I was in heaven. THEY HAD 2 ZIPPERS. You bet I rode both of them too. That was many years ago though. 
It was time for the State Fair to come around again and I started to think how cool it would be to have a fair themed photo shoot. I called one of my past bride and grooms and asked if they’d be willing to model my idea and they accepted! We chose a Tuesday night and I thought that Tuesday was going to be a slow night but I should have done my research…it was Kids Day and also $1 ride night so basically the park was packed! Great. Long lines and crowds of people. Katie and Zack rocked it out though. Take a look at some of my favorites! 
First things first…lets get an alcoholic beverage before we brave the crowds…

We checked out the agriculture section too…

After the agriculture section, it was off to play some games.

Zack won this match..

But gave Katie his prize…

Next up, baloon darts…

Then we strolled around the fair and admired the rides and the slew of people and long lines…

Probably my favorite of the day…

I couldn’t have made it through without this handsome guy carrying my camera bag…no, not the 70’s banana…

We stopped for a cotton candy break…

Then went back for some more portraits. At this point it was all about using the available light…

Katie, I’ve said it before. You’re gorgeous.

The last walkthrough we made was in the livestock area.

Happy Thursday! 

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