

Easter Sunday and High School Photography

Growing up catholic my family would always celebrate Easter by dying Easter eggs, going to church, and finding a local Easter egg hunt or creating our own within the family…which is what we usually did. Although I do miss my sister keeping me tucked away playing Nintendo while the “Easter Bunny” came to hide easter eggs, I love being able to watch my niece and nephews experience what I did as a kid. Here is a photo of my nephews helping their cousin Delaney, who is 2 years old, hunt Easter eggs. They were saving all the “easy” finds for her. 

Later on in the day after everyone left to visit more family, I stuck around enjoy my Sunday with Mom and Dad. So what did they do? Put me to work, of course. I still had some old stuff in my room from when I lived there and they wanted me to sift through it to see if I could get rid of anything to make more room. Dreading what I was about to do, I actually found it quite amusing going through my old things.

While mentally going through high school once again, I could’t help but laugh at some of the first photos I took in high school photography class. When meeting with clients, one of the questions I typically always get is…”how did you get into photography?” It started out as a fun hobby while fulfilling my art credit and I really enjoyed what I was doing. (We are talking black and white film developing here). I wanted to be the next Ansel Adams at first because my family and I loved hiking and being outdoors. After High School I took an internship/job with Rose Photography, a local wedding and portrait photographer in Dixon, and she quickly showed me the business aspect to photography. I started shooting weddings with her when I was 19 and couldn’t be more thankful she introduced me to the industry.

Rewind back to Easter Sunday, these are some of the photos I found while going through my closet. Forgive me for them not being of higher quality, I just wanted to give an idea šŸ™‚

This was an abandoned house we found in High School alongside Highway 505…

Looking up through a power line tower.

The spillway at Lake Berryessa aka “Glory Hole.” I can’t remember when the water was this high.

My first attempt at portraits…

I had to throw this little gem in the set as well. I cracked up when I found this photo of Britney Spears I had hanging on my wall mixed in with my old photos. Oh how I miss the dancing days of “Slave”;)

Thanks for reading –


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