

Happiest of Birthdays, Tommy.

If you get to know me in person…you’ll come to find out I’m a pretty sappy person. Maybe sappy isn’t the right word…how about compassionate. Yeah, I like the sound to that a lot better. For example, at last weekend’s wedding I teared up because the ceremony was just so beautiful, unique, and special. But don’t worry, I saw some other guys in the crowd tear up as well. They just didn’t have a camera to cover up with. šŸ˜‰

Today’s blog post is about someone special in my life. His name is Tommy and today is his birthday.  He’s been in my life for about a year and a half now and he is my best friend, my partner in crime, and someone who doesn’t cringe when I sing loudly in the car. He was actually the one who inspired me to kick off this whole gym thing too. You can read about that here and here. I thought I would dedicate today’s blog post to him. 
It’s kind of funny how we met. We first met at the gym with a mutual friend and I sort of knew who he was but I didn’t really think much of it. Then we saw each other out at a local bar but didn’t say much to each other…just made eye contact a couple of times. (Talk about having game!) Then Tommy added me on facebook. (Ha! Sorry I had to call you out.) Shortly after, a mutual friend of ours, (hey Andy!) called me and said a bunch of people were going bowling and wanted to invite me…Tommy would be there too. Turns out, it was just 4 of us: Tommy, Andy, Joey, and myself. We talked a lot that night since we played a few rounds of bowling and got to know each other. But I wanted to see him again and soon. So I invited him to a friends birthday party that weekend  and thankfully, he agreed to come. I may have left out a few details here and there but that’s pretty much the cliff notes version. 
Needless to say, here we are today on his birthday and I feel so happy and fortunate to have had him in my life. Tommy, you continue to inspire me and I cannot wait for what the future brings! 
Happy Birthday! 

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