Today is great day for the United States. On this exact day (but in 1776) is when the United States declared it’s independence from Great Britain. We live in one of the most diverse, if not THE most diverse country in the world. Being able to write this blog, say what I want to say, and be who I want to be is a really beautiful thing. I am forever grateful to call myself an American.
Today also happens to be my Mother’s birthday…another great day for the United States. Yep, all the fireworks, BBQ’s, and celebrations happen in honor of my mom’s birthday. Wait, YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT?! Okay I kid I kid… but we like to joke about that with her. Since you probably don’t know my Mom all that well, I’m going to list 5 things about her that you may not know:
1. She doesn’t like cheese.
2. I won’t disclose her age because she probably wouldn’t like that.
3. She ran in the Nike Women’s half marathon in San Francisco and I couldn’t be more proud of her.
4. She drives a yellow Jeep Wrangler…because she’s bad ass.
5. She likes Ketchup on pretty much everything.
Oh, and she’ll ride pretty much any ride at Disneyland with me. Including Splash Mountain:
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!
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