

Is There Another Term For Babysitting?

…because my nephews are definitely not babies anymore. Owen is going into third grade and Jacob is going into SEVENTH GRADE. The – there’s-no-more-recess-and-I have-different-classes-for-different-subjects era of the school days. 

This past Saturday I got to watch my nephews while my brother and his wife went out. I always love watching them because I love being the “Cool Uncle.” That’s acceptable when you don’t have kids, right? I’ll tell you what we did and I’ll let you be the judge. Suggestions are open to all you Veterans at this…
– Played Mario Bros for Wii…I’m glad they like the game because I sure do. 
– Whenever I watch them we usually go and get frozen yogurt. Only this time I was craving some real ice cream. So we went to Baskin Robbins instead. 
– Then we went over to Nana and G-Pa’s and had a few Squeeze-Its. Oh and played with Baylee.
– Came back to the house and watched Toy Story 3…after we all agreed on one movie which was a decision process in itself. 
– Let them eat any snack they wanted during the movie. 
…And that’s about the time when Jeff and Court came back home. 
^^^^ These are my nephews being boys while they ate their ice cream. Jacob is laughing because Owen…who opted for an ice cream with chocolate chunks..had some stuck in his teeth. I’ll admit, it made me laugh too. 
Happy Tuesday! 

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