

Lake Tahoe Engagement Photography | Jamie + Aaron

The restaurant industry is something I always had a love/hate relationship with. I loved it because of the people I worked with and didn’t like it when a customer would have me running back and forth while I had 5 other tables that needed to be taken care of as well. I worked a total of 10 years in the restaurant industry and I am proud to say that I have left that industry and have taken photography full time.
In the last few years of working at the Old Spaghetti Factory, I got the pleasure of working with Aaron and Jamie. This is also where their love story began. It wasn’t long after Jamie started working when her and Aaron began hanging out outside of work. Not very long into their relationship, Aaron travelled to Nice, France to finish up his schooling. This tested Aaron and Jamie’s relationship but not even being halfway around the world could separate the bond these two shared. Aaron would make up songs about Jamie to remind him of her and Jamie made plans not long after Aaron left to visit. I got to hear a little bit of the song during their shoot.
Both being fond of the outdoors, Jamie and Aaron both decided that Lake Tahoe would be the perfect place for their engagement photos. It was a great day catching up with the two of them, learning more about their travels, and hearing what we’re all up to post spaghetti factory. Enjoy a few of my favorites from their engagement shoot!

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