

Leo, By The Week

If you follow me over on my Facebook Page, then you’ll know that every Monday, a photo of Leo pops up in the same chair every week. This dates back all the way from the first time we brought Leo home from the animal shelter in March. If you’d like to know more about how Leo came into our lives, I blogged about it and you can read that post here.

At this point in time, I feel like Leo’s growth spurt has slowed down a lot. I don’t see any drastic changes like I did in the first few months of having him but maybe that’s because I’m with him every day. The point of Leo by the Week was to document the size of his growth for the first year of his life. He’s a shelter dog with a mix of who knows what, so I have no idea how big he’s going to get.

We’ve had him for almost 5 months and I wanted to share with you a side by side of the progression of his growth.

Left: Leo, Week 1 – Right: Leo, Week 17 (current size)

The ball from week 1 was no where to be found so I ran to target to get the same exact ball.

A few people have asked me how I get Leo to sit still and look at the camera for his weekly photos. Well my friends, that isn’t always the case. Check out some of these outakes.

A couple of weeks ago, Tommy took a few photos of me trying to take photos of Leo. Check out these behind the scenes shots – 

I think he’s lost all of his baby teeth too. That was fun finding those around the house…

Leo by the week will conclude in January of 2015..1 year from when he was born.

Happy Monday!

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