

Mobile Monday: 1.0

Monday Monday…you know, that song from the Mama’s and the Papa’s? “So good to me…Monday Monday it was all, I hoped it could be…” If you don’t, then click HERE. It’s an oldie but a goodie. Maybe you’ve heard it before…if not, then just go ahead and tell me I’m loco. I blame it on Monday šŸ˜‰
I was in a photography forum not too long ago and one of the topics was “Mobile Monday.” In the forum, was a lot of really great photos from photographers mobile devices. I was intrigued! I have over 5,000 photos on my phone, so why not have my own Mobile Monday with a twist? (the twist being that the photos probably won’t always be as great as they were in the photographers forum, but rather, a story of my weekend) Plus, whenever I don’t have my Canon, my iphone is second best. 
So, here’s a peek into my weekend through my mobile images…
This photo was entitled “Palms” over on My Instagram page. This was right before Tommy, myself, and his parents went to Chicago Fire for dinner and drinks. We had some awesome pizza and probably some of the best hot wings I have ever had. 
I got THIS polaroid-esqe camera last week and it was fun to test it out this weekend. Here are a couple of photos from those polaroids. 

I assisted my good friend and amazing photographer Kim of Kim J Martin photography this weekend at a wedding…this is of her rockin’ some of the detail shots.

I had a delicious Sunday brunch with some good friends of mine. Check out our breakfasts on this Vine Video HERE.

And the weekend wouldn’t be complete without doing some grocery shopping…yes, I went to target for my groceries. šŸ™‚

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Happy Monday!

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