

Sacramento Mac Make-Up Artist

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Christopher Roa contacted me to photograph a fun project he was working on. I knew it was going to be something rad because Chris is an awesome make-up artist and an all around talented person. I’ll never forget being at the Lady Gaga concert in Sacramento and THIS HAPPENED. Chris made a Jacket, waited in line all day for the doors to open to get a front row spot, and threw the jacket he made for Gaga’s birthday on stage…and she loved it!

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago…It was a fun day of playing around with make-up for Chris and creating some fun images… Creatives unite! Here are some of my favorites from the day…

While Chris was putting on the first look of the make-up, I got some details of his home studio…

We did a clean look first…

Then we did more of a shiny shimmer look…I changed them to black and white for the blog post.

Then the creative juices started flowing…

We brought in a blacklight…

Then Chris took off her eyebrows for a different look…

Happy Tuesday!

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