

The Proposal: Melissa + Allen

I love hearing proposal stories. There are all sorts of ways to ask your loved one to spend the rest of your life with. Whether it’s a simple romantic dinner at your house or out and about and the ring is hidden away, I find it fascinating. I wanted to create this new series with my clients so that I can share a little bit more of their story.

This proposal story comes from a recent wedding and it’s in Melissa’s words how Allen proposed.

I asked, “Was the proposal a surprise?”

She replied,

“YES! My daughter was away, so he told me he was going to take me for a drive in the mountains, this is normal for us (we like to drive around and look for deer, stop along the way and drink a couple cold ones:) He played it really cool and was completely normal as we were driving. We ended up at his cabin at Lake Almanor, which happens to be one of my favorite places to be. He asked if I wanted to go fishing? I of course, said yes, we love to fish together also! With snow on the ground and a chill in the air I thought it was a little odd that he wanted to fish in these conditions, but I went with it. He had both fishing poles ready to bait, so he asked me to pick a couple spinners out of the tackle box. Without really paying much attention I looked for the most colorful one and handed it to him. He handed it back and said this one won’t work and told me to pick another, so I did. Again, he handed it back to me and said look again:) He ended up pointing to the slot that had the shiny silver one and I freaked out. He took the ring out of the tackle box and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was in shock, I told him to “shut up”, only because he had caught me completely off guard. 
I then of course, said yes, and jumped into his arms!!!!!”

Happy Tuesday!

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