

The Proposal Stories | Michelle + Andy

I love hearing about proposals. Almost every story is different and pertains to the couple in some way. This proposal story is brought to you from Michelle’s perspective of how everything went down.

  “It was a complete surprise. We were supposed to go to Yosemite the week before Andy proposed and things came up, so we didn’t make it. When it got rescheduled for the following weekend I thought nothing of it. We took our kids (and by kids I mean dogs) Caoimhe and Eibhleann with us that day. We did some hiking on the valley floor and then Andy wanted to see a great view of the valley.

Since Yosemite is my favorite place ever I told him he needed to see it from Glacier Point. We took the hour drive from the valley floor up to Glacier Point. I wanted to make sure he saw the most amazing view before sunset. We get to the top and walk around with the dogs. There are lots of paths off the man made ones. We took a path and walked along and found a great view of Half Dome. It was just the 4 of us.

As we were admiring the view Andy turns to me grabs both my hands. He tells me how much he loves me and how crazy he is because he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. He gets down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket. I was so elated that it took me a second to process this information and say “YES!!” It was so great that he had all this planned. He had the dogs there and it was so low key. Very much a perfect proposal in my book.

 Happy Thursday!

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