

Top 5 Tips for Preparing for your Wedding Day

Today’s blog post is coming to you from a blogger and a past bride of mine, Katie. I asked her to guest blog 5 tips she could give to another bride to help prepare for her wedding day and she’s got some great tips! So, without further adieu, here’s Katie..

Hi guys, I’m Katie and I blog at Katie Did What. When Ryan asked me to write my wedding day tips, I was extremely excited! I was a bride myself almost 2 years ago (!!!) and Ryan was our amazing photographer. He captured my day perfectly and I will forever cherish our memories that he immortalized in his beautiful photographs! He took care of all of that, but the following are a few things that I myself, as the bride, needed to take care of before my big day. Hopefully this helps you lucky girls out there planning your own fairytale wedding!
1.       Write a wedding checklist. It will keep you accountable and make sure you don’t leave anything important out. Plus, there is nothing more satisfying than checking things off of a list, am I right?
2.       Make a list of “must-have shots” for your photographer. Of course, Pinterest is a great place to get ideas! Use it, but don’t abuse it, because as amazingly helpful as Pinterest can be, it can also become very overwhelming very fast. Stay focused, stay open-minded, and most importantly I would say limit your time on it. I mean, you’ve got a wedding to plan! It’s great to pull ideas, but also get creative! Look through your own parent’s and friend’s photo albums, see what pictures stand out to you and share those with your photographer. This is the perfect way to work together and to make sure that there is no “oh no, we forgot to get a picture of the rings!” or something similar after the fact.
3.       Take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, exercise and remember to breathe. The end result of all of this hectic planning that can sometimes feel very overwhelming is the best party of your life! Just remind yourself if you feel overwhelmed, to take a step back and think about how you are marrying your best friend. If that doesn’t put a smile on your face and put things into perspective for you, well, then maybe there is a deeper problem here? I kid, I kid.
4.       Make sure you have an “emergency kit” for the day of. This will include bobby pins, safety pins, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, eyedrops, touch up nail polish, band aids- anything you might need. Because things happen, and you will definitely want to be prepared. Even just knowing that you have all of these little emergency things “just in case” will lower your stress levels and let you breathe easy. Everyone loves a happy bride!
5.       Give yourself time. No procrastinating allowed (says the biggest procrastinator ever)! Some things may seem easy and like they’ll take no time at all (like making your own favors) but trust me, you will want to make sure you allow yourself enough time to spend on them. For example, we made our own favors of Hershey’s Kisses in little boxes that we got online. Easy, right? Well, we had to construct the boxes, and put the chocolate in each one, and close the lid and tie them each up with a ribbon into a nice little bow. And we had to do that 150 times. It was easy, but it was very time consuming. Get some friends together to help out and make it a party! Many hands make light work.
There you have it. My top 5 tips for your wedding day! Like I already said, the most important thing is that you enjoy the day. There really is no other day like it, so make sure to step back from the hustle and bustle and really take it all in. Happy wedding planning!

Katie (and her husband Zack) are incredible human beings and I am so happy to call them my friends. Zack has some great tips when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your blog or website. If you would like to know more about Zack feel free to click here. Katie blogs about fashion tips, real life stories, encouragement, and the bachelor. Ok, I only read a couple of posts that were on the bachelor but it made me crack up. Click here to view her blog. 

Here are a couple of photos from their wedding day: 

Happy Friday! 

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