

True Life: I Am A 90’s Kid

I have seen a few things floating around the interwebz about past times which has me thinking about my childhood and how simple times used to be before all of the myspace/twitter/facebook frenzy. I was born in the later part of the 80’s so I really don’t remember a whole lot from that era. But the 90’s? That was my childhood. My foundation. My growing up. I saw an article that a friend of mine posted about “You know you’re a 90’s kid when…” and I cracked up at a couple (oh who am I kidding, a lot) of things that were listed.

Because I definitely watched: 
-Doug (quailman)
-Pinky and the Brain
-Animaniacs – THIS VIDEO is actually how I learned all of my states and capitols. Boom. 
-Hey Arnold – I secretly wanted his humongous room. 
-The Wild Thornberrys 
-Power Rangers (before the White Ranger came on the show)
-Pepper Ann
-Boy Meets World
-Family Matters
-Full House
-The Fresh Prince of Bel Air – you could catch me singing “Iiiiinn West Philadelphia born and raised”
I remember when I would be SO excited for Saturday morning cartoons…does that even happen to kids anymore? Or do they just DVR the cartoons? 
I remember when I used to play super nintedo allllllll the time. (I actually still have it and every now and again I have to play it) 
Yes, I had a gigapet. And it was the best thing ever. 
I played outside until the streetlights came on…then it was time to come in. 
I was a master at recording stuff on the VCR. 
I knew the Macarena by heart. Now we have “Gangnam Style” and “Harlem Shake”
After youth sports, going to get .39 cent cheeseburgers were all the rage. 
Well there you have it. A tiny glimpse into my younger life. This post wouldn’t be complete without a photo from that time so here you go: 
Happy Friday! 

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