

Welcome to the Cabin. South Lake Tahoe, CA.

I love Tahoe. End of story. 

In the winter skiing is a blast (or snowboarding, if that’s what you like) and in the summer it’s an awesome get away from the Sacramento heat. Or if you just want to get away. There are a ton of good hikes around the area and if you’re a star gazer…Tahoe is perfect for it. Check out a few Backpacking trips from the past HERE

For as long as I can remember our family has been going up to Tahoe for an annual trip. My Aunt owns a cabin near South Lake Tahoe and it has always been a wonderful place to visit. As I have gotten older though, I have grown to appreciate it a lot more. Knowing that my Grandpa went up there when he was younger, my mom was there when she was just a toddler, and my great uncles Dad helped build the cabin makes it a pretty special place for our family’s history. 
This past weekend we took our annual trip to the cabin and I couldn’t help but want to photograph all the old time charm and details of what the cabin is made of. See, this cabin isn’t your modern day cabin…it’s a REAL cabin with curtains for doors, old windows, steep stairs, and no internet. Just you, the cabin, family, and nature. I’ll let my photos do the rest of the talking….
The first night Tommy and I made my parents some yummy beverages…We also sprinkled some bread crumbs for the birds…

Baylee kept watch…

On the right is all of our height’s throughout the years to see the difference in growth. There’s generations upon generations listed.

That night we played scrabble…my mom pretty much owned everyone.

Baylee stayed nice and comfortable…

Here’s some photos of around the cabin I was talking about earlier…

This comic is from 1976!!

The next day my brother and his family arrived and we went down to the creek behind the cabin to spend the day…

I don’t know why Baylee was so tired…maybe she had a rough night at the casinos.

We all helped chip in on making a dam to convert the water. Oh yeaaaa we know how to have a good time šŸ˜‰ The boys loved it though.

And we ended the day with a nice home cooked meal. 

The next morning we had boat races…and I found a greenleaf alone in the rocks.

Self timer at its best!

After the boat races (I lost) We went to the Lake to catch some rays and to do a little kayaking.

Oh Tahoe, I could stare at you all day long.

Until next time!

Happy Tuesday! 

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