

What’s in my Camera Bag?

My first camera was a canon rebel – not digital, but film. I would sit in my high school photography class with a black bag and take out the roll of film from my camera then attach it to the “spinwheel” and  put it in the proper container to be developed. That was back in high school.

For Christmas, a couple of years later, I was gifted a Canon Digital Rebel and oh boy was I excited. I actually shot my first wedding on that camera! After I started working with Rose, I went to a wedding and someone had the same exact camera as I did. Womp womp womp. I kept reminding myself that it’s not the type of camera you have it’s how you use it. I still find that true to this day.

Sometimes when I meet with clients they ask me what I photograph with. Some other concerns that have come up is that their reception hall won’t have enough lighting. Not to worry – I got you covered. Today I’m giving you a look into my bag and what I carry on most shoots. I tend to carry a bit more equipment (such as light stands) to wedding which are not pictured here. And remember, it’s not the type of equipment you have, it’s how you use it. šŸ™‚

I love this nifty lens pen to clean my lenses. Thanks to my cousin Dorian! I’ve also become obsessed with prime lenses. I’ve rented the 35mm 1.4L lens a few times and I think that’s going to be my next purchase. What do you think? Do you like that lens? Pictured here is the 50mm 1.4.

These two lenses have been in my bag the longest. The 16-35mm 2.8L lens (pictured left) is a lens I don’t use as much anymore. But sometimes there is a need for a nice wide angle shot that requires this baby.

The 70-200mm 2.8L USM II lens (pictured right) is my baby. It’s my go to lens at ceremony and sometimes receptions. It was definitely a worthy investment.

I cannot stress to photographers enough to have a back-up camera. I bought the Canon 7D first, then the 5D mark ii at a later point in time. But before I bought my 5D mark ii I made sure I had a backup. The 7D has a cropped sensor and can sometimes have its advantages…especially during a church ceremony where I am confined to the sides and need an extra boost with my 70-200mm. 
Believe it or not, I was a Nikon shooter before I switched to Canon. Something I didn’t get rid of was my Nikon flash. It works perfectly with my canon equipment so why get rid of it? Again it’s how you use it šŸ˜‰

Also in my bag are business cards. Also not pictured are snacks…because you know, snacks vary but are always good to have. Especially at weddings.

I use a Tenba bag and it’s done me well. I also carry plenty of CF cards with me.

And remember it’s not the kind of equipment you have..its how you use it.

Happy Wednesday!

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