

Why is there an Easter bunny and not an Easter Chicken? An Easter Recap.

I am so very thankful to have young nieces and nephews. Although I don’t think I am too old to dye Easter Eggs (as you will see later on in this post) I think I am a little too old for an Easter Egg hunt… That’s where the kids come in. My mom invited all of the siblings over for an Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt. I asked my dad how many easter eggs he…I mean the Easter bunny…hid throughout the backyard and he said 90. Say wha? That’s insane! Busy little bunny.

 As we all watched my nieces and nephews gather the eggs (hoping they would find the ones in money inside) my brother asked a good question…Why is there an Easter bunny and not an Easter Chicken? I had no idea. I mean, bunnys don’t lay eggs so why does a bunny bring eggs? This morning, I was still curious about the answer so I looked it up. The rabbit is known for being an animal that reproduces quickly. So the rabbit in Easter is supposed to represent life. It actually has nothing to do with the biblical Easter (obviously). It dates back to 13th Century Germany where they worshiped gods and goddesses including the goddess Eostra, who was the goddess of fertility. Since rabbits are very fertile and eggs represent fertility, that’s how the bunnies and eggs came into play.

I remember a long time ago when my brother and sister hid me in my room because they told me the Easter bunny was coming to hide eggs for me. Of course, I believed them. They distracted me with Mario Bros…which I think is where my love for that game stemmed from. I don’t know if my nephews believe in the Easter bunny anymore, but it’s really fun to see Delaney, my youngest niece to be SO excited about the Easter bunny. Here are a few photos from yesterday…

My sister and niece calculating the egg total…

Baylee (our old girl) sat on her bed and watched. She was happy everyone was there. 

Calculating the tally and seeing what was inside of all the eggs..

Not exactly an egg…but after missing a couple of eggs my sister helped look for more and found one of Baylee’s tennis balls. 

Tommy and I went up to his Aunt’s house after for dinner and to dye Easter eggs. I haven’t dyed Easter eggs since I was a kid…until yesterday. I tried the 2-tone…

…Then I squeezed a little drop of dye on top of the yellow egg…kinda creepy looking. 

Happy Monday!

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