

The Story of Leo

Life of Ryan

If you follow me over on Facebook or Instagram, then you probably saw that there was a new addition to the family recently. If you haven’t, Tommy and I decided to rescue a puppy that was left on the doorstep with his 2 siblings at a local animal shelter. It wasn’t a spur of the moment decision, it was something that was on our minds for quite some time now. We were just waiting for the right moment.

Then this popped up in my news feed:

My first thought was why would anyone want to just leave these puppies?? Then I thought that they’re so stinking adorable that they would go to good homes. I was sure of it. I sent Tommy the screenshot of this and he just replied with, “I was just looking at puppies.” See, we’re on the same level. 🙂

Since the puppies were so young the shelter had to monitor them, give them their shots, etc before they were able to be adopted. So a few days go by and I’m doing my regular morning routine. I turn on the TV because sometimes I like a little background noise, and guess who is on TV? The puppies from the shelter. FATE?! So I text Tommy another screenshot of the puppies on TV and we decide that it’s definitely something we should pursue.

I had lunch plans with a friend of mine so I texted her to see if she would want to come along to the shelter to look at them with me. She replied, “Lunch and Puppies?! Sounds like a good day to me!” Sweet.

So we made our way down the shelter to check out the pups. I did a meet and greet with with the boy and my heart sank. It was love at first sight and I had to make sure this dog went to a good home. Our home.

I was going to be able to bring him home the following day after they neutered him. That night, Tommy and I puppy proofed the house and made sure he had a crate, plenty of toys, food, and some treats. It was happening. I think we were both excited and nervous to take on this responsibility of having an 8 week old puppy. But more excited than anything.

So ladies and gentleman, meet Leo. We’re not exactly sure what kind of dog he is but we know he’s got a good home. The shelter labeled him a beagle mix but we think he’s got more than just beagle in him. From people who have seen photos of Leo, they’ve thought rhodesian ridgeback, german shepard, pitt bull, and most recently terrier.

Leo was the smallest of all his siblings and since you can normally tell how big a dog is going to be by the size of their paws, we’re guessing Leo isn’t going to get that big. Perhaps 40 pounds? We’ll see. I plan to take a photo of Leo every week in this exact spot, same chair with the same size tennis ball in order to see the growth over time. I’m not sure how it will work out…only time will tell.

So here it is, Week 1:

Be sure to follow me over on Facebook and Instagram if you’re interested to see Leo’s weekly progression.

If you’re in or near the Sacramento area and have been thinking about adopting a dog, there are plenty of more dogs that need homes over at Front Street Animal Shelter. I wish I could bring them all home with me but sadly, I cannot.

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  1. […] came into the picture after we rescued him from Front Street and my mind started to change about the whole dress up thing. We got him a bowtie to dress him up, […]

  2. […] He was a tiny puppy who was left on the doorstep of an animal shelter. You can read more about how we came around to adopt him by clicking HERE. […]

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